Good News-Starting on May 11, 2020, the Roanoke Public Library….
- Will be offering to allow the public inside to use Library’s computers for work, job hunt, obtaining social services or school assignments by appointment only (call 260-672-2989). Precautions will be taken such as
- covering the keyboard with plastic seal, changed after each visitor
- enclosing the mice in plastic bags, changed after each visitor
- spacing appointments out so no contact with other visitors
- staff wearing masks and possibly gloves
- requesting visitors wear masks
- cleaning/sanitizing after each visitor
- Will be offering to fax and/or print your documents sent to director’s email ( that can be picked up at library by appointment.
- Or you can call (260-672-2989) or email ( with other requests as we will plan to be here regular library hours.
- Dropbox will be opened but nothing is due till June 30th or after.
Remember there are eBooks, eAudio and other resources available through the library’s website,
If you wish to take advantage of these services, but don’t have a Roanoke Public Library card, contact the library by email or phone to set up an appointment to get one.
Please check our website ( ), social media and door signs for any further updates as the situation changes rapidly.