Written and computer testing for college exams, home schooling, and correspondence courses will be a free service of the Roanoke Public Library. Any changes for postage, use of fax machine, or copies will be implemented.
Library patrons taking tests should make an appointment with the Library Director. Walk-ins will be accepted during library slow times at Director’s discretion; if library is busy, and appointment will be made at that time, or patron may choose to wait.
Patrons using computer for testing may use the computer, uninterrupted until testing is complete.
The computer used for testing must be visible from the main desk and the Library Director must be able to see the student at all times.
The student taking the test must provide the Director with written testing instructions, any notes, books, and writing utensils prior to beginning the test. Only items approved in test instructions will be allowed.
Tests will be conducted only during regular library hours and must be returned to the Director before check-out time.
The Library Director will sign, seal, and mail the test as instructions indicated
In any event that the student is caught not complying the test instructions, (cheating) the test will immediately be stopped and written documentation will be made by the library employee of the witnessed findings, date of occurrence, and permanently filed. If inicated in the testing instructions, documented witnessed events may need to be mailed to the institution for which the test is being taken.
Any monetary donations to the library as a result of such testing will be put in the library’s gift fund.
Submitted May 112, 2000 by Roanoke Library board of Trustees. Reviewed, revised and adopted 1/23/06.