DVD, Blu-ray, and CD Borrowing Policy
The Roanoke Public Library serves a diverse community and its Blu-rays, DVD’s, and CD collections contain a wide variety of selections (G. PG. PG-13. R. Unrated). The Roanoke Public Library staff cannot decide what any given borrower, including children, should view or hear.
- Blu-rays, DVD’s, and CD’s (music and audiobooks) may be borrowed from the Roanoke Public Library (RPL) if:
- The borrower has a valid Evergreen Indiana library card or PLAC library card:
- The borrower is in good standing and
- The borrower uses the library Blu-rays, DVD’s and CD’s in accordance with all applicable copyright laws.
***See item #13 below for exception.
- Blu-rays and DVD’s may be borrowed for seven (7) consecutive days at no charge.
- CD’s (music and audiobooks) may be borrowed for three weeks (21 consecutive days) at no charge.
- Blu-rays, DVD’s and CD’s must be returned before the library closes on the day the video is due. If returned late, there is an overdue charge of $.25 per day for EACH title. This does include the days the library is closed.
- Borrowers accept responsibility for any major damage or loss of the library materials while checked out on the borrower’s library card. Any fee for damages or replacement cost will be assessed and billed to the patron.
- The Roanoke Public Library is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any damage caused to a borrowers’ equipment due to use of RPL’s materials.
- Materials may be returned to the library in the outside Return Drop Box.
- The patron is responsible for returning the Blu-rays, DVD’s and CD’s in good condition. In case of loss, theft or damage, the borrower will be charged the full replacement cost of the Blu-ray, DVD or CD.
- Copyright laws limit these Blu-rays, DVD’s and CD’s to home viewing/listening only (no admission charge or donations accepted), prohibit their duplication, and not televised on open or closed circuit systems.
- Keep Blu-rays, DVD’s and CD’s in a cool, dry place and avoid storage in direct sunlight or near sources of heat.
- Parents will assume responsibility for the content of library material checked out by minors.
- Borrowers may check out no more than ten (10) Blu-ray and/or DVD’s total-a limit of four is encouraged.
- Videos Rated R are red-dotted and children under 18 are not permitted to check them out.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping us keep our entertainment/educational collection in good condition for all to enjoy.