Long Range Plan

Mission Statement: Providing access to knowledge and information to inform, educate, entertain, and serve.

LIBRARY DISCRIPTION: The Roanoke Public Library is located in the town of Roanoke, Indiana in Huntington County.  The library district is the residents living within the city limits of the town of Roanoke, Indiana.  The physical address of the Roanoke Public Library is 314 N. Main Street, Suite 120, Roanoke, IN 46783 with a mailing address that includes PO Box 249.

LIBRARY BOARD: The Roanoke Public Library is governed by a Library Board of Trustees.  The Library Board is composed of seven (7) members.  The Board members are appointed as follows: three (3) by the Huntington County School Board; one (1) by the Huntington County Commissioners; one (1) by the Huntington County Council; one (1) by the Roanoke Town Council and one (1) by the Roanoke Town Council President.

LIBRARY STAFF: The Roanoke Public Library employs one full-time employee and two part-time employees.


  • NAME: Roanoke Public Library
  • SPACE OCCUPIED: 3000 square feet
  • LOCATION: in a portion of the “old” Coil Factory
  • MATERIALS AVAILABLE: access to over 3.5 million bibliographic records which in turn provides access to over 5.5 million items thanks to being part of the Evergreen Indiana Consortium.


  • General Information-The Library offers General Information that helps meet the need for information and answers questions on a board array of topics related to work, school, and personal life.
  • Basic Literacy-The Library offers Basic Literacy service that addresses the need to read and to perform other essential daily tasks.
  • Formal Learning Support-The Library offers Formal Learning Support that helps students who are enrolled in a formal program of education or who are pursuing their education through a program of home schooling to attain their educational goals.
  • Lifelong Learning-The Library provides Lifelong Learning service that help address the desire for self-directed personal growth and development opportunities.
  • Business and Career Information- The library offers Business and Career Information services that addresses a need for information related to business, careers, work, entrepreneurship, personal finances, and obtaining employment.


Goal 1: People in the Town of Roanoke’s area will know that the Roanoke Public Library is available for general information; literacy; formal learning; lifelong learning and business /career needs.

Objective 1: Each year, increase community awareness so that number of patrons increases 5%.


  1. Collaborate with Roanoke Fall Festival Committee in sponsoring a kid’s game
  2. Collaborate with Jackson Square Apartment in promoting library events so their residents are


  1. Collaborate with Roanoke Elementary School so children/parents are informed of free student cards for non-resident students
  2. Collaborate with Roanoke Elementary School so first graders include the Library in the “get to the town walk”

Resources Required:

  1. Staff Time
  2. Money
  3. Office Supplies


This Objective will be evaluated by the Board of Directors annually at their January meeting for the previous year.  (EX: January 2018 meeting)

Number of Patrons (previous year) (EX: 2016 data) Number of Patrons (current year)(EX: 2018data) Increase /Decrease Percentage of Increase/Decrease Goal of 5% increase met?

Objective 2: Each year, increase funds to improve library offerings by 1%.


  1. Continue to lease space in the Coil Factory Building working with fellow occupants on events
  2. Work with Town Council and other local leaders in seeking opportunities to assist the community with library services
  3. Work with Town leaders in fundraising and community events

Resources Required:

  1. Board of Trustees’ Time
  2. Shared Building (rent and utilities)
  3. Office Supplies


This Objective will be evaluated by the Board of Directors annually at their January meeting.

Number of events Library participated in and amount earned through each event (previous year)( EX: 2013 data) Number of events Library participated in and amount earned through each event (current ear)( EX: 2014 data) Increase Percentage of Increase Goal of 1% increase met?

Goal 2: Children in the Town of Roanoke will have ready access to a wide variety of programs and materials to meet their general information, basic literacy and formal learning needs.

Objective 1: Each year, the number of children’s books circulated will increase by 3%


  1. Review collection and order needed materials and weed unused materials
  2. Observe best seller lists and order popular books
  3. Confer with other children’s librarians on list-serves, workshops, conferences and others in Huntington County
  4. Collaborate with local schools as to visits to the library and the librarian visiting the schools
  5. Collaborate with local schools as to special projects and assignments for which the library can obtain materials

Resources Required:

  1. Staff time
  2. Books


This Objective will be evaluated by the Board of Directors annually at their January meeting.

Children’s books circulated as per Circulation report (previous year) Children’s books circulated as per Circulation report (current year) Increase Percentage of Increase Goal of 3% increase met?

Objective 2: Each year, the number of children actively participating in the Summer Reading Program will increase by 1%.


  1. Plan a Summer Reading Program different from the state program so we are offering another option from surrounding libraries
  2. Review collection and order needed materials
  3. Collaborate with United Methodist Child Care as to best times for program to meet their schedule
  4. Prepare flyers to send through the school to publicize the program
  5. Prepare flyer to have in the library to pass out to patrons visiting the library

Resources Required:

  1. Staff time
  2. Books
  3. Program supplies
  4. Office supplies


This Objective will be evaluated by the Board of Directors annually at the meeting after the conclusion of the Summer Reading Program.

Number of Children enrolled in the Summer Reading Program (previous year) Number of  Children enrolled in the Summer Reading Program (current year) Increase Percentage of Increase Goal of 1% increase met?

Objective 3: Each year, the number of children attending Story Time during the school year will increase by 2%.


  1. Plan a weekly Story Time, including books to read, show a short video on movie screen and a craft or game.
  2. Review collection of books and order needed ones to enhance children’s interests
  3. Prepare flyers to post and hand out to publicize the story time

Resources Required

  1. Staff time
  2. Books
  3. Program supplies
  4. Office supplies


This Objective will be evaluated by the Board of Directors annually at their January meeting.

Number of people attending weekly Story Times (previous year) Number of people attending weekly Story Times (current year) Increase Percentage of Increase Goal of 2% increase met?

Goal 3: Young Adults and Adults in the Town of Roanoke will have ready access to a wide variety of programs and materials to meet their general information, basic literacy and lifelong learning needs.

Objective 1: 70% of people in attendance will indicate that they have increased skills because of their attendance at library programs


  1. Plan programs and obtain any necessary materials
  2. Collaborate with other libraries as what programs they are providing
  3. Advertise programs through flyers and newspapers
  4. Survey participants for feedback

Resources Required

  1. Staff time
  2. Advertising
  3. Program supplies
  4. Office supplies


This Objective will be evaluated by the Board of Directors at the meeting following the conclusion of the class sessions.

Number of people attending and surveyed Number of people surveyed responding positively Percentage of positive responses Goal of 70% positive met?

Objective 2: 45% of young adults in attendance will indicate that they will visit the library more often for their educational and recreational needs because of attending the library’s program(s).


  1. Plan a program to attract young adults into the library
  2. Advertise program
  3. Survey program participants for feedback

Resources Required

  1. Staff time
  2. Advertising
  3. Program supplies
  4. Office supplies


This Objective will be evaluated by the Board of Directors at the meeting following the conclusion of the program(s).

Number of people attending and surveyed Number of people surveyed responding positively Percentage of positive responses Goal of 45% positive met?

Objective 3: Each year there will be an increase 5% in the number of people using the library’s six (6) patron computers, wireless hub and other computing equipment,which will be used as needed.


  1. Advertise the library’s computers and wireless hub in newspaper and in flyers
  2. Maintain computers in good working condition
  3. Replace computers as needed

Resources Required

  1. Advertising
  2. Computers
  3. Computer Maintenance


This Objective will be evaluated by the Board of Directors annually at their January meeting.

Number of people using the library’s computers and wireless (previous year) Number of people using the library’s computers and wireless (current year) Increase/Decrease Percentage of Increase/Decrease Goal of 5% increase met?

Goal 4: The town of Roanoke residents will have ready access to information to enrich their businesses and careers.

Objective1: Each year, 3% will indicate they increased their chance of employment or better employment because of the Roanoke Public Library.


  1. Assist those seeking employment on filling out forms on the computer
  2. Collaborate with Workforce Development in Unemployment Assistance tools
  3. Collaborate with other local libraries in circulating local job information
  4. Post any job seekers sites or resources as available from State agencies or new sources

Resources Required:

  1. Staff Time
  2. Computers
  3. Office Supplies


This Objective will be evaluated by the Board of Directors at the meeting following the conclusion of annual February patron/community survey.

Number of people surveyed Number of people surveyed responding positively Percentage of positive responses Goal of 3% positive met?

Objective 2:  50% of local business will indicate the Roanoke Public Library is an asset to the community.


  1. Library Board member or Library Director will meet regularly with Chamber of Commerce
  2. Roanoke Library will circulate information on all Chamber of Commerce events
  3. Library Staff will review collection and order needed materials

Resources Required:

  1. Board of Trustees’ Time
  2. Staff Time
  3. Office Supplies
  4. Books


This Objective will be evaluated by the Board of Directors at the meeting following the conclusion of annual February patron/community survey.

Number of people surveyed Number of people surveyed responding positively Percentage of positive responses Goal of 50% positive met?

BUDGET  2016 (to be updated annually)

Staff Time Personal Services $ 51,000
Books Books $ 10,700
Office Supplies Office Supplies $  1,500
Program Supplies Programming $400
Advertising Printing and Advertising $ 100
Computers (repair) Professional Services $ 3,000
Computer (purchasing) Furniture and Equipment $  2,000
Building (rent) Rent $1.00
Building (utilities) Utilities $3,600.00
Board Time None None

REVIEW: The Board of Trustees will review this plan; evaluate objective successes/failures; update goals; update budgeted amounts and other needed corrections/ amendments annually at the January meeting.



On January 28, 2010, we attached to the Evergreen System offered by the State of Indiana. In November 2011, we attached to the Central Indiana Digital Consortium which allowed the library to offer eBooks and digital audio books to our patrons. In the March 2013 the library upgraded from a T-1 line to Fiber Optics with its move into new facility. In 2016, the library joined the SRCS system to increase its sharing of materials capacity through an even wider range of library facilities. The goal is to provide the major source of information for our patrons, enhance communication and encourage learning for all age groups.


Inventory Category Current Count Projected – 2019 Projected – 2020 Projected – 2021 Projected 2022
Client Server 1 1 1 1 1
Server 0 0 0 0 0
Workstation 9 9 9 13 13
Color Laser Printer 1 1 1 1 1
 Color Copier 1 1 1 1 1
Fax Machine 1 1 1 1 1
Firewall 1 1 1 1 1
Hub 1 1 1 1 1
Laminator 2 2 2 2 2
Laser Printer 2 2 1 1 1
Router 1 1 1 1 1
Scanner 3 3 3 3 3
Switch 2 2 2 3 3
UPS (uninterruptible power supply) 0 0 0 1 1
Internet Connections  
Fiber Optics 1 1 1 2 2
Touch Tone Handset 1 1 1 1 1
Cordless Handset 4 4 4 4 4
Cordless Headset 0 0 0 0 1
Software Subscriptions  



  • Goal: The Library will maintain and improve the usage of Evergreen Indiana System.
  • Objective: Provide ongoing training and information to patrons regarding the benefits and resources of the Evergreen Indiana system. (Deadline: 1/1/2022)
  • Goal: The library will strive to protect its computer equipment from physical damage and hackers.
  • Objective: The library board will create and implement a secure password policy.
  • Activity: Provide list of secure passwords to Library Director and to F1 Personal Computers-our outside IT personnel, and to staff as needed. (Deadline: 12/31/2021)
  • Activity: Utilize outside IT personnel for review of the policy information found and its development into a workable Internet security policy and programming. (Deadline: 12/31/2022)
  • Objective: The library will annually review software installed on library computers. (Deadline: 12/31/2019)
  • Activity: Track licenses for Microsoft products. (Deadline: 12/31/2019)
  • Objective: The library will work to maintain security on library network as growth in use and services change. (Deadline: 12/31/2020)
  • Goal: Address the technology training needs of the library staff including workshops and online courses.
  • Objective: The library will promote training in the staff performance evaluation process.
  • Activity: Identify specific training objectives appropriate to each library staff position. (Deadline: 5/31/2020)
  • Activity: Staff to stay current with Advanced Cataloguing skills. (Deadline: 12/31/2019)
  • Activity: Each full-time staff member to attend one Evergreen roundtable discussion when appropriate, available and possible. (Deadline: 12/31/2022)
  • Objective: The library will develop a procedure for evaluating the success of training.
  • Activity: Develop an evaluation plan for trainees that incorporates as many different levels of evaluation as possible. (Deadline: 3/31/2022)
  • Activity: Develop specific evaluative tools, including surveys, to use to gather your information. (Deadline: 7/1/2020)
  • Activity: Have trainees go through the evaluation process and track the results over time both individually and for the Library as a whole. (Deadline: 7/31/2021)
  • Objective: The library will see that all staff members receive continued training in the Evergreen Indiana system.
  • Goal: Provide electronic resources to the public.
  • Objective: The library will continue to utilize inter-library loan service through the state of Indiana and the Evergreen Indiana system.
  • Activity: Utilize the sharing of materials as made possible through the Evergreen system, SRCS, and the Inter-Library Loan process. (Deadline: 12/28/2020)
  • Activity: Continue contract with Info-Express Services for pickup and delivery of shared library materials. (Deadline: 6/30/2019)
  • Objective: The library will use the Evergreen Indiana system for cataloging records of all present and additional acquisitions.
  • Activity: Review RDA training documents for. (Deadline: 12/31/2020)
  • Objective: The library will continue to maintain at least 6 patron computers connected to the Internet.
  • Activity: Monitor state library standards to insure compliance with same. (Deadline: 1/5/2021)
  • Activity: Continue to replace older computers. (Deadline: 1/26/2022)
  • Objective: The library will verify sufficient network hardware capacity to accommodate additional computers.
  • Activity: Work with a data cabling contractor to evaluate the possibilities and requirements for adding network capacity.
  • Activity: Review requirement of additional hubs or switches to accommodate more computers.
  • Objective: The library staff will continue to assist patrons who wish to use the wireless capabilities.
  • Activity: Insure staff has knowledge of wireless system and means to access same by patrons. (Deadline: 11/1/2021)
  • Activity: Update FAQ-style document for patrons (Deadline: 12/15/2022)
  • Activity: Review this document with staff to make sure they understand what is included and how to use this document to answer questions from patrons. (Deadline: 11/30/2021)
  • Objective: The library will actively seek grants/donations to purchase new computers and technology items.
  • Objective: The library will scan historical documents and pictures into the system.
  • Goal: Expand scope of the library’s web site
  • Objective: The library will continue to maintain its own website using Open Source through the State Library. The library director will maintain this with help as needed from experts in the field.
  • Activity: The library will use the service provided by the State Library to host its website as this is Open Source software.
  • Objective: The library will make our library web site design and content accessible for disabled users.
  • Activity: Review web for description of the most important barriers to web site accessibility and practical solutions for addressing these barriers.
  • Activity: Perform an accessibility evaluation of your library web site.
  • Objective: The library will perform a usability evaluation on our library web site.
  • Activity: Design a usability evaluation for our library web site by recruiting five library patrons.
  • Activity: Provide a script and set of questions for each user to evaluate the website.
  • Activity: Prepare a summary report of problems found and what needs to be changed on the library web site in order to correct them.
  • Objective: The library will evaluate subscriptions to additional online reference databases.
  • Objective: The library will update Community Information records by December 30 of each year.
  • Goal: Explore ways to increase Internet stability and speed.
  • Objective: Board will update computers and peripherals on an as-needed basis.
  • Activity: Update switch/hub to fit with current configurations. (Deadline: 2/2/2022)
  • Activity: Continue to monitor bandwidth through our internet service provider, to insure bandwidth is adequate to meet patron demands. (Deadline: 6/29/2020)
  • Objective: Investigate offering new internet based technology services.
  • Activity: Educate patron about eBook and digital audio book resources offered for checkout by patrons. (Deadline: 10/13/2018)
  • Activity: Increase amount of eBook and digital audio book resources for checkout by patrons. (Deadline: 10/13/2019)
  • Activity: Research downloadable music for checkout by patrons. (Deadline: 12/14/2020)
  • Activity: Offer training to patrons regarding access to eBook, online music and other downloadable resources. (Deadline: 4/27/2020)
  • Activity: Research circulating gaming units, eBook readers, audio book devices including playaways. (Deadline: 4/25/2019)


The Roanoke Public Library has a staff of only 2 people with another who comes in on a temporary as-needed basis. They will attend workshops, seminars and other training sessions as they become available and necessary in order to perform all the needed activities to stay up to date with current and expanding technology. This will be done through programs offered through Webjunction, the Indiana State Library, ILF, MCLS and any other sources that may become available nearby or online. See Tuition Reimbursement Policy for more information.


CURRENT Projected 2019 Projected 2020 Projected 2021 Projected 2022
Goal: The Library will maintain and improve the usage of Evergreen Indiana System.
Objective: Provide ongoing training and information to patrons regarding the benefits and resources of the Evergreen Indiana system. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Goal: The library will strive to protect its computer equipment from physical damage and hackers.
Objective: The library will work to maintain security on library network as growth in use and services change. $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000
Objective: The library will annually review software installed on library computers. $1000 $1000 $1000 $1200 $1200
Goal: Address the technology training needs of the library staff including workshops and online courses.
Objective: The library will promote training in the staff performance evaluation process. $400 $400 $400 $400 $400
Objective: The library will develop a procedure for evaluating the success of the training $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Goal: Provide electronic resources to the public.
Objective: The library will continue to utilize inter-library loan service through the state of Indiana and Evergreen Indiana service. $300 $300 $400 $400 $500
Objective: The library will use the Evergreen Indiana system for cataloging records of all present and additional acquistions. $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Objective: The library will continue to maintain at least 6 patron computers connected to the Internet. $3000 $3000 $4000 $4000 $5000
Objective: The library will verify sufficient network hardware capacity to accommodate additional computers. $300 $300 $300 $400 $400
Objective: The library staff will continue to assist patrons who wish to use the wireless capabilities. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Objective: The library will actively seek grants/donation to purchase new computers and technology items. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Objective: The library will scan historical documents and pictures into the system. $0 $0 $500 $550 $550
Goal: Expand scope of the library’s web site
Objective: The library will continue to maintain its own website using Open Source. The library director will maintain this with help as needed from experts in the field. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Objective: The library will make our library web site design and content accessible for disabled users. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Objective: The library will perform a usability evaluation on your library web site. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Objective: The library will evaluate subscriptions to additional online reference databases. $0 $0 $100 $200 $300
Objective: The library will update Community Information records by December 30 of each year. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Goal: Explore ways to increase Internet stability and speed.
Objective: Board will update computers and peripherals on an as-needed basis.. $1000 $1000 $1000 $1200 $1200
Objective: Investigate offering new internet based technology services. $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500
Annual Total $9000 $9000 $11,100 $11,650 $12,850

Budget Categories

CURRENT Projected 2019 Projected 2020 Projected 2021 Projected 2022
Unassigned $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Dues and Fees $300 $300 $400 $400 $500
Furniture and Equipment-including computers $1300 $1300 $1700 $1900 $1900
Internet-Comcast $3000 $3000 $4000 $4000 $5000
Meetings and Professional Development $400 $400 $400 $400 $400
Office Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Operating Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Professional Services- $1000 $1000 $1600 $1750 $1850
Evergreen Indiana $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Software $1000 $1000 $1000 $1200 $1200
E-Books $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500 $1500
Annual Total $9000 $9000 $11,100 $11,650 $12,850

Funding Sources

CURRENT Projected 2019 Projected 2020 Projected 2021 Projected 2022
Unassigned $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Budget $9000 $9000 $11,100 $11,650 $12,850
Donations $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
E-Rate $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Grants $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Annual Total $9000 $9000 $11,100 $11,650 $12,850


  • Outside IT personnel will come on site monthly and do all maintenance work.
  • Library Director will report on work done by IT personnel to the Board at each meeting.
  • The library staff will monitor computer and other equipment usage, through check-in records and observations.
  • The board of trustees will be responsible for developing qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the services used by public and/or staff.

This policy was adopted 1/22/18. Reviewed 11/27/18. Reviewed 11/26/19.