- A. Intent: To establish guidelines that will promote the effective capture, management, and retention of emails and electronic communications.B. Scope: This policy applies to all library provided electronic communications equipment for library business.C. Definitions
1. Email messages are similar to other forms of communicated messages such as correspondence, memoranda, and letters. These include non-record (transitory) emails and public-record emails.
2. Non-record or Transitory Electronic Communications are considered to have no administrative, legal, fiscal, or archival requirements for their retention. Examples of such non-record electronic communications include the following:a) personal correspondence not relating to conducting library business such as lunch invitations, unsolicited advertisements, and spam;
b) routine requests for information or publications which require no administrative action, policy decision, or special compilation or research, and copies of replies;
c) originating office copies of letters of transmittal that do not add any information to that contained in the transmitted material;
d) quasi-official notices including memoranda and other records that do not serve as the basis of official actions (i.e., holiday notices, meeting confirmations, etc.).
e) non-email electronic communications including, but not limited to, instant messaging, texting, paging, voice recording, and other electronic communication technologies other than email.
3. Public-record Emails include any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by the Library. Examples of emails that may constitute a public record (not confidential) include the following:
a) policies and directives,
b) correspondence or memoranda relating to official business (excluding duplicates)
c) agendas and minutes of meetings
d) any document that initiates, authorizes, or completes a business transaction
e) final reports or recommendations
4. In addition, confidential or partially confidential emails are required to be retained as required by the appropriate retention schedule. Examples include the following:
a) declared confidential by state statute,
b) required to be kept confidential by federal law,
c) personnel file information (except for information that must be disclosed),
d) intra- or interagency deliberative materials – expression of opinion or speculative in nature and communicated for purpose of decision making.
e) covered by an Indiana Court Administrative Rule 9
D. The sender of the email is responsible for ensuring proper retention of emails sent within the Library. All other copies of internal email are duplicates and may be deleted. However, if an email was sent by an outside agency, a member of the public or anyone outside the Library, the recipient is responsible for retention.
E. Email records that have not met their retention should be saved by one of the following methods:
1. Print the email and store the hard copy in the appropriate file.
2. Move the email out of the email system.
3. Archival software.
F. Attachments should be retained or disposed of according to the content of the attachment itself based on its appropriate retention, not the email which transmits the attachment.
G. Data in the mailbox (including the inbox, sent items, drafts, contacts, and calendar items) will be archived. Mailbox items will be archived in real-time. Contacts and Calendar will be purged for space requirements.
H. To prevent the loss of email in archival, the user may:
1. Print the email and store the hard copy in the appropriate file.
2. Move the email out of the email system.
I. Regardless of retention requirements, email and all other electronic correspondence pertaining to threatened or actual legal proceedings must be retained until the litigation is finally concluded.
J. It is the responsibility of the Library to provide the public records. (See Non-Disclosure Policy/Access to Public Documents)
K. When an employee is no longer employed with Library, that user’s mailbox will be maintained for sixty (60) calendar days. Individual user mailboxes will be purged after sixty (60) calendar days unless the Library Director requests an extension to the Board of Trustees.
II. Retention of Public Documents
A. Library Board and staff should first reference this office-specific retention schedule. If the form/record series you’re looking for is not listed, refer to the County/Local General Retention Schedule (GEN).
B. Nonpermanent records listed on this retention schedule may be destroyed, in accordance with the form’s instructions, thirty (30) days after completion and submission of a Notice of Destruction, State Form 44905. The notice must be sent to the secretary of the county commission of public records as determined by IC 5-15-6-1(c) (county clerk or recorder) and to the Indiana Commission on Public Records, cty@icpr.IN.gov, 402 West Washington Street W472, Indianapolis, IN 46204.
C. All permanent records or records not listed on these approved retention schedules can be destroyed or transferred only by completing a Request for Permission to Destroy or Transfer Certain Public Records (PR-1), State Form 30505, and by obtaining approval of the County Commission of Public Records and written approval from the Indiana Commission on Public Records.
D. Destruction of all records must be delayed pursuant to an applicable legal hold.
E. GUIDELINES: Permanent records may be maintained either in the original format or on microfilm that meets standards outlined in 60 IAC 2 or Administrative Rule 6 (Court Records).
F. Microfilmed records may be deposited or transferred according to the retention period outlined for that record.
G. Security/original rolls of microfilm must be stored offsite in a secure location. Duplicate rolls may be used in office.
H. Electronic records and computer printouts that include data from more than one (1) form must be retained for the longest retention period for all included forms.
I. Any STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS forms approved for use in lieu of prescribed forms are subject to the same retention requirements.
J. Public Libraries Retention Schedule (LIB)
Adopted January 21, 2015 by the Oversight Committee on Public Records
RECORD SERIES TITLE/DESCRIPTION RETENTION PERIOD LIB 10-1 ANNUAL PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT Destroy after ten(10) years and after receipt of STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS Audit Report and satisfaction of unsettled charges. LIB 10-2 LEDGERS PERMANENT: Original Handwritten (prior to 2016) will be retained in office or storage area. Computerized copies from AVC Technologies Accounting Software will be transferred to Permanent Data Archival / Backup Blank Disc Media at year-end which will be retained in PNC Bank safety deposit box.
LIB 10-3 PATRON LIBRARY CARD, RECIPROCAL BORROWING CARD APPLICATION Destroy three (3) years after patron account becomes inactive. LIB 10-4 PUBLIC LIBRARY ACCESS CARD (PLAC) & NON-RESIDENT CARD APPLICATION Destroy after three (3) calendar years and after receipt of STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS Audit Report and satisfaction of unsettled charges. LIB 10-5 NO-FEE INTERLIBRARY LOAN FILES (CONFIDENTIAL: IC 5-14-3-4(a)(16)(A))
Destroy 30 days after return of materials. LIB 10-6 FEE-BASED INTERLIBRARY LOAN FILES (CONFIDENTIAL: IC 5-14-3-4(a)(16)(A))
Destroy after three (3) calendar years and after receipt of STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS Audit Report and satisfaction of unsettled charges. LIB 10-7 PROGRAM REGISTRATION INFORMATION Destroy each April for previous calendar years. LIB 10-8 COMPUTER USE SIGN UP SHEETS & LOGS (CONFIDENTIAL: IC 5-14-3-4(a)(16)(A))
Destroy after 90 days after date of use. LIB 10-9 PHOTOGRAPHS & VIDEOS The collections of a library shall REMAIN part of the library, subject to the procedures used by the library to weed its collection. Adopted___________________________